Porque amamos las guitarras
Somos amantes de las guitarras y nos enorgullecemos de poder ofrecerle las mejores guitarras clásicas, guitarras flamencas y guitarras acústicas de nuestro mercado. ¿Sabe porqué estamos tan seguros? Porque están fabricadas con pasión, amor y dedicación. No son guitarras fabricadas en cadena. Cada una de ellas es diferente, especial, única.
Vendemos guitarras españolas
Cuando hablamos de guitarras españolas, hablamos de guitarras hechas en España, la tierra de las guitarras clásicas y de las guitarras flamencas. Solo las guitarras fabricadas en España ofrecen ese estándar de calidad y sonido inigualable que las hace únicas en el mundo.
El mercado está lleno de guitarras españolas fabricadas en cualquier parte del mundo y sin embargo se venden como guitarras españolas. Incluso los mas grandes fabricantes de guitarras del mundo ofrecen "guitarras españolas" fabricadas en China, Indonesia, India, etc. con precios que igualan o a veces superan a las guitarras verdaderamente fabricadas en España.
En los tiempos que corren es difícil no confundirse con tanta oferta, por ese motivo Guitar From Spain solo vende guitarras fabricadas exclusivamente en España que provienen de los más reconocidos fabricantes de guitarras españolas como Guitarras Alhambra, Guitarras Jose Ramirez, Guitarras Raimundo, Guitarras Hermanos Camps, Guitarras Prudencio Saez, o Guitarras Admira.
Nuestra oferta
De todos los fabricantes de guitarra española en nuestro país, Guitar from Spain ha seleccionado los que considera que pueden ofrecer una gama de guitarras amplia en calidad y precio. Son fabricantes de reconocido prestigio dentro y fuera de España y ofrecen guitarras clásicas, flamencas y acústicas para todo tipo público, desde el principiante al concertista con una calidad consistente en todos sus modelos. Son fabricantes que han sabido unir la tradición artesanal a los mas modernos métodos constructivos por lo que la producción, sonido y acabado de sus guitarras ofrecen los mas altos estándares de calidad en cada modelo.
Alguno de ustedes puede echar de menos algún fabricante o luthier de reconocido prestigio. El objetivo de Guitar from Spain es concentrarse en una gama de guitarras que puedan satisfacer a una amplia clientela evitando entrar en las guitarras fabricadas por encargo de pequeños fabricantes. En esos casos recomendamos contactar directamente con el constructor. Ellos podrán darle un plazo de entrega que en algunos casos pueden ser de varios meses. En nuestro catálogo también puede encontrar guitarras de alto nivel en los modelos Luthier de cada fabricante. Estas guitarras son comparables en calidad a las de los mas prestigiosos constructores pero a un precio mucho mas razonable y con unos plazos de entrega mas cortos.
Lo que nos diferencia
Gracias a que trabajamos en contacto directo con las fábricas podemos ofrecer unos plazos de entrega muy ajustados incluso en modelos que no tengamos en stock o en modelos con especificaciones personalizadas como diferente tipo de tapa armónica, adaptación a zurdo, electrificación, cutaway, etc.
Nuestra especialización nos permite ofrecer estos servicios que otras tiendas online no pueden. Guitar from Spain no vende “cajas”, vende instrumentos reales para músicos individuales. Nosotros sometememos cada guitarra a un estricto control de calidad antes de enviarla a cada cliente. Eso es lo que nos distingue del resto y el objetivo de nuestra empresa.
El equipo de Guitar from Spain lo formamos profesionales con mas de 20 años de experiencia en el mundo de la guitarra. Además de expertos vendedores somos guitarristas que adoramos este instrumento. Por nuestras manos han pasado cientos de guitarras de todas partes del mundo y conocemos todos sus secretos. Nos produce mucho placer ofrecer estos instrumentos y hacer felices a quien los toca, por eso solo ofrecemos instrumentos de calidad garantizada.
Precios ajustados
Guitar from Spain es una empresa española, por eso podemos ofrecer precios locales de nuestro mercado interno. Esta es una de las razones por las que nuestros precios son tan competitivos. Si eventualmente usted encontrara alguna de nuestras guitarras a un precio mas bajo que en nuestro catalogo, Guitar from Spain se compromete a igualar cualquier oferta publicada en el momento de la compra con el ánimo de ofrecerle el mejor servicio al mejor precio. Todos nuestros productos están protegidos por la garantía oficial del fabricante de 2 años.
Tu satisfacción nuestro objetivo
Guitar from Spain vende guitarras en todo el mundo y aunque algunos de nuestros clientes se encuentran lejos, a través de nuestra web, nuestro blog y nuestras redes sociales nos encuentran siempre dispuestos a asesorarlos en la compra de su guitarra. Son muchos nuestros clientes satisfechos que vuelven a escribirnos para manifestarnos su satisfacción por su guitarra y por nuestro servicio. Esperamos que usted sea uno de ellos y que disfrute del sonido inigualable de una guitarra española.
Emotional Trading S.L.
ES B86777414
Cerro del Castillo 10
28450 Collado Mediano
Madrid - Spain
Soy de Guatemala y mi hijo tuvo la dicha de viajar para Francia y Suiza y aproveché para que me pidiera unos accesorios para mi guitarra clásica Alhambra 7P, quiero agradecerles por el envío ya que llegó rápidamente y sin ningún problema. Si pudieran publicar en los testimonios el mío les agradeceré.
Francisco, Guatemala
Dear Manuel,
Thank you for this mailing. I just wanted to say I still play the Alhambra Cadete which I bought from you about 8 or 9 years ago. I gave it to my daughter - but I still play it - I am 60 years old - my hands are quite small and I now have dupuytrens disease which contracts my little fingers - but I can still play - it has been my favourite guitar since I began playing in my teens.
with thanks and very best wishes
Johnny, UK
I received my new guitar, and I have no idea how you guys can make them so good, and sell them so cheap! My $100 Chinese Yamaha was absolutely dead sounding. This Alhambra just sings out like a kitten purring! I ordered it with the spruce top, and mahogany back and sides, and it really has my idea of tone! Such value. I’m going to tell everyone what a good guitar I got, from Guitar from Spain!
Jason, Bismarck, USA
Hello Guitar From Spain. My guitar arrived perfectly. It is beautiful and I'm so excited to play again. It was a pleasure buying from you. Best wishes!
Darius Adrian, Romania
Holà Manuel
Vielen Dank und besten Gruß,
Clemens - Germany
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I received the guitar in excellent condition and I am happy with the outstanding instrument, Thanks for that.
Radoy - Bulgaria
Zhipeng - Singapore
Recibida la guitarra y en perfecto estado.
David - Spain
Hi Manuel,
Alan - USA
Hola Manuel la guitarra llego en perfecto estado,la guitarra es muy linda y suena muy bien,agradezco a todos ustedes un abrazo,si me puedes decir que tipo de cuerdas tiene puestas
Yours gratefully,
Hasta luego!
Malcolm - UK
Dear Nunez,
I've got my guitar safely, thank you for great service and delivery. It is brand new i think the guitar wood and sound will be better day by day. I will also write my special review on your site. Do you know which type and series of strings (D'Addario etc..) did Camps used on my guitar (normal tension or hard)? Thank you.
Eser - Turkey
I have received my guitar on the 14th, thank you very much and really appreciated. I’m so happy, my first guitar 24 years back was Admira Paloma, the neck is slightly changed but other than that it has the same wood smell and beautiful sound, I know it’s an entry level but I’m just starting to play again, when I gain back my fingers skills, my next pro guitar will definitely be from www.guitarfromspain.com
Thank you again.
Yasser - United Arab Emirates
It is very nice guitar!!
Hello Manuel, I wanted to let you know that I have received my New Alhambra Luthier Aniversario Guitar yesterday evening. I received it in perfect condition! I could not be happier. I will recommend your company to everyone I speak to regarding the purchase of a guitar with 5 star review on my experience. I look forward to buying more from your company in the future. Thank you once again for a great guitar and 1st class buying experience.
Thank you Manuel
I was tentative at first ordering directly from you.. My last guitar was purchased at a guitar store where I was able to play it and speak to the sales rep about it. I was also concerned about shipping and “what if I don’t like it” I want to reassure all of your prospective buyers that everything went very well and I highly recommend your service. Your web site provides a very good description of the guitars I love the videos of pros playing the instruments. Once I selected the guitar I wanted, the Alhambra 7C, I priced it on several sites that would ship it from the US, and then, finally found yours. Your price was SIGNIFICANTLY better than any of them, and contacting you directly with questions was easy and professional. It is a small world now and Spain is not that far away. After my purchase I was surprised and pleased to find out that my guitar was being manufactured new at your factory in Muro de Alcoy. The guitar came strung, which was also a pleasant surprise. I have it on a stand in my living room waiting to be played, and just looking at it makes me feel good! I will be pleased to speak directly with any of your prospects in the US that may be having some doubts. Sincerely, Roy
PS.. what strings did you use? I will get the same in the future
Feel free to use this Testimonial..
Feliz Navidad, Prospero ANO nuevo..
Roy - USA
The guitar arrived on Wednesday in best condition. Your packaging was well done again!
I like the guitar even more than I had expected. Setup is great and I like the sound of it. One question: Which strings are put onto this M5S by Camps?
This is the second guitar which I bought via Guitar From Spain, and I really can recommend your shop. The whole order and delivery process is very clear and transparent!
Sincerely yours,
Package received. Once again everything goes well and I am very pleased with my new CS1CW guitar.
Thank you for your service! I am surely be one of your lifetime customers.
Gia-Khy - Taiwan
Michael - New Paltz, USA
I just wanted to thank you for the excellent service once again. This is
the second guitar I have purchased from you and I really love my new
Prudencio Saez 1-FP. It plays and sounds amazing. Also I was amazed that
UPS delivered the guitar from Spain to Gulf Shores, Alabama, USA in 2
days! They are so much better then FedEx so I hope you continue to use
them in the future over FedEx.
Thank you again!
Andy - Alabama, USA
Manuel... Hola...
Hello guys at Guitar from Spain!! I would like tô thank you very much for the exellent service and beautiful bass guitar!!! Love and peace, greetings from Itália and Brasil.
Got it. It looks great, but sounds better. It has more bass response on the piezo than I expected, but the mic does do a great job for tone balance.
It did take a while, but I remain a satisfied customer.
Have a great day !
Bert - Colorado, USA
Mil gracias!
It makes a beautiful sound, I am absolutely delighted with this instrument and look forward to many more years of playing it
Dave - Carlisle, United Kingdom
Hello Manuel
He recibido esta mañana mi guitarra flamenca en muy buen estado.
Estoy muy contento, encantado, suena muy bien, un verdadero placer.
Gracias por sus sugerencias en su sitio web. Estoy en las nubes.
Estoy muy satisfecho con él.
Florence - Île-de-France, France
Hi Manuel,
I hope you and your family are doing well. I wanted to let you know that the Alhambra 3F model has arrived in great condition. The company is doing a great job with packaging the guitar.
I want to thank you very much for all your help. Have a great weekend ahead.
Levon - California, USA
I have received the guitar and it is beautiful, thank you very much Manuel I really appreciate it.
Kaveh - California, USA
Hi Manuel,
Dear Manuel,
Received my guitar on Friday. It looks and sounds beautiful. Thank you again for helping me select and purchase the guitar. I look forward to playing it for many years to come. One question – can you tell me what brand of guitar strings it has and what is the tension of the strings (extra hard?)?
Nancy - California, USA
I got the new nut today and it fixed everything! Now there's no buzz at all, even when drop tuning. This is an excellent guitar, I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Thank you for all of your help and for your great service. In the future when I want to purchase another guitar, I'll be sure to shop at your store again. Also, I'll recommend you to my friends if they're looking for new instruments.
Bonjour Manuel,
J'ai bien reçu ma guitare le 21 mars, en parfait état. Elle est vraiment magnifique, sonne divinement bien, j'en suis très satisfait !
Merci pour la housse offerte ainsi que le service proposé, je n'hésiterai pas à vous recommander.
Bien cordialement,
Camille - France
Good day Manuel,
Dear Manuel
Hi Manuel,
the guitar was delivered today.
A beautiful instrument!
Sound, playability, everything is great
I'm very satisfied.
All the best
Fred - Germany
Hola Buenos Dias Manuel
Hola Manuel…espero esté muy bien..Le escribo para decirle que recien acabo de recibir la guitarra después de un atraso por causa de la aduana pero bueno solo llené unos documentos que me pedían y finalmente la énviaron.Me complace mucho decirle que estoy muy sorprendido con la calidad de la guitarra, muy bien hecha y con un sonido maravilloso, no le miento si le digo que tuve muchas dudas para hacer la compra pues no es prudente comprar una guitarra sin probarla pero felizmente uds son los mejores..Le agradezco mucho su ayuda y en cuanto viaje de nuevo a España creo que les haré la visita.ETernamente agradecido le envío mi abrazo.
Hi there,
Hi Manuel,
Dear Manuel
I finally recovered enough to play my Camps guitar and I must say thank you very much and I'm so glad that I took that step and ordered from you guys , it seems to be getting better daily. I also appreciate the Rapsody case but now wish I had one for all my guitars , very nice .
Ronald - United States
Hi Manuel,
I received the guitar it was well packed and no issues. It sounds great and I’m very happy. Thank you for your assistance and maybe I’ll come visit one day.
Vito - USA
It has taken some time but I'm proud to say that my guitar came today and it looks fantastic the Rapsody case is very nice also . I'm afraid I'm unable to play it yet as I contracted covid a week after placing my order and am not recovered enough but maybe soon .
Dear Manuel,
Hi Manuel,
I received my guitar today and I wanted to thank you, it arrived in perfect condition and I am very satisfied with your services.
Thank you very much,
Marco - Switzerland
Hola Manuel,
Thank you very much!
Ying - China
Hi Manuel,
Hello Manuel Nunez
Today, Romantic guitar 1900
I received it safely.
Thank you for the wonderful guitar.
kaoru-ito - Japan
J ai bien reçu ma guitare 10fc e8 avec l etuit alhambra je suis très content de mon achat elle es vraiment très belle et l etuit au top et je tenais à vous remercier pour le geste commercial du jeu de corde et des ataches sangle .très professionnel merci beaucoup.
Christian - France
I received my Camps Primera Negra flamenco guitar last week. I would like to let you know how happy I am with this beautiful guitar and the service that I received from you. I live in Canada and it came via UPS within a week - truly amazing. Thank you so much for everything.
I have two questions. I would like to know what strings were included with the guitar and the type of lubricant that you recommend for the tuning pegs. Thanks once again.
Brian - Canada
Dear Manuel,
This note is a bit overdue, but I hope you will excuse the delay. The Alhambra 9P guitar arrived several weeks ago in perfect condition and more quickly than I would have thought possible. The artisans at Alhambra did a magnificent job on the fret markers and of course on the instrument as a whole. It took me a while to find her voice but I think the wood and the strings are just now beginning to settle in, with tones emerging in a whole new spectrum to explore. I am hearing a richly balanced and mellow sound which can be coaxed into brighter, singing tones with practice and skill. I am truly impressed once again with the craftsmanship of the Spanish guitar makers!
The smaller scale and neck width of the Señorita model are just starting to feel more familiar. It has taken some adjustment but after these few weeks I am noticing more room for expression and fewer notes just out of reach in those difficult passages. Though I have not become overnight the expert and flawless player that I was hoping for , I have gotten over that initial disappointment and settled for more incremental progress and a slight expansion of my capabilities, with a much better fit for my small and aging hands!
Thank you for all your assistance with this, for the quick answers to my questions and lightning fast delivery! I will restate what I hope is obvious, that I am very happy with this instrument and this purchase. New York City, for all it has to offer, has few shops that deal in quality student level classical guitars, and I appreciate your presence online as a service to the international community.
With Kind Regards,
Sarah - USA
Bonjour !
J ai bien reçu ma guitare ce matin elle est magnifique !! Je voudrais vous remercier pour le geste commercial au sujet de la housse magnifique également.
Merci pour tout !! Muchas gracias
Mohamed - France
Hello Manuel,
Thank you for your help and your services. I received the beautiful
Raimundo 145 yesterday. I am having a great time playing.
Mario - Canada
Dear Manuel,
Este mensaje es sólo para agradecer el servicio prestado, la guitarra y los demás productos llegaron a los Países Bajos perfectamente, empaquetados y sin ningún rasguño!
Recibí información del estado del pedido en todo momento.
Un placer trabajar con vosotros.
Un abrazo,
Ivan - Netherlands
I want to thank you on the guitar that I have received from you. I wanted to know if you know what brand or type of sting that they have installed on the guitar (Prudencio Saez 3-FP)
Adel - United Arab Emirates
I just received my guitar. It is beautiful! Thank you, Manuel. Do you know the type of strings it has? And can you please recommend the best strings for the guitar.
Thank you
Oseas - USA
I got the guitar. Thank you very much.
I like it a lot. The light sound fits Japanese housing situation, it don’t bother others.
Nice to meet you again.
Takao - Japan
hola! all is arrived, beautiful tha cases and fantastic the tuning machines, all the best,
Marco - Italy
Je voulais vous remercier pour votre professionnalisme, la guitare est parfais, je suis très contente de mon achat
À bientôt pour un autre achat
Bonne soirée à vous
Séverine - France
Thank you for your speedy delivery; I am enjoying my Alhambra Premier Pro immensely
André - Netherlands
Good morning
This is to confirm that the guitar has been delivered today in good condition. It is very light and easy to play compared to Normal acoustic guitars as I have fender and Yamaha.
Thank you
Agnelo - Kuwait
I received the guitar last Monday and despite having an injury in my left hand I managed to play a fair bit.
I really like this guitar a lot; it is very well build, super responsive with a lot of specs and at a very good price. Your service is great and I will definitely recommend your shop.
have a nice weekend,
David - Austria
Bien reçu ma commande ce matin à 10h,tout est OK.
je voulais vous remerciez pour votre cadeau (Housse Ortola) qui m'a fait
énormément plaisir,et par la même occasion remercier de nouveau la
personne avec qui j'ai communiquer qui a été patient et d'une extrême
Marc - France
My instrument is just beautiful. I used it in a performance the very first weekend following its arrival. The audience was thrilled with the sound!
Hola, Acabo de recibir mi nueva guitarra en perfecta condicion. Solo queria agradecerles por el rapido y eficaz servicio. Muy bien empacada con mucho cuidado y en excelente caja. Gracias por la funda de la guitarra, no me lo esperaba. Tardo un poco mas de lo esperado, pero eso es una norma en estosy tiempos.
Una pregunta. Que marca cuerdas y tipo de tension trae esta guitarra? Solo por informacion.
Estoy seguro que muy pronto comprare algo de Uds.
Muchas Gracias,
Martin - USA
Hi Manuel,
Hello Manuel,
Thank you for the expeditious delivery of my lovely new guitar (Raimundo 1492 610mm). Great tone, volume, and action. Every fret is in tune, and the tuners are unexpectedly sensitive. The 610 neck is about the size of my Gibson electric neck and allows for speedy movement up and down the fretboard. Fantastic. Thank you for making such a well-crafted instrument in this size at a reasonable price—more than a child’s guitar.
Estimado Manuel,
Te confirmo que recibi la guitarra en mi casa en Miami y te agradezo mucho la preparacion y el seguimiento que lo hiciste.
Te estoy muy agradecido
Manuel - USA
WOW the tres is arrived - such a good quality instrument and a professional care from your side... i can't be more happy than this...
Gracias por la bonita guitarra y el muy buen sonido.
Marco - Germany
Hola, hoy llegó la guitarra en perfectas condiciones !! Muchas gracias por el apoyo durante el proceso de compra y envío !!
Buenos días señores GFS.
Fue un placer tratar con ustedes.
Jaime - France
It go here last week in perfect condition. I am very impressed with the quality of my new instrument.Manuel it is every thing you said it would be and more .Sounds awesome to me . I hope that someday I will play as good as it sounds for the time being it make me proud to to own this fine concert quitar. Thank you for everything
Victor - Canada
Bonjour Manuel,
Hier, j'ai posé mes doigts sur ma guitare Raimundo 185 Gomalaca.
Superbe, splendide travail des luthiers, la beauté, le son, maintenant je peux reprendre mon apprentissage.
Très sincèrement MERCI à vous.
* je serais un fidèle client, à bientôt.
Daniel - France
Hello, I just received my guitar, it's even better than I hoped it would be!
Hello again Manuel,
Hello Manuel,
thank you for my Camps-Guitar. I´m so happy! She is arrived today. This Guitar has a good Sound and I`m looking forward to the first Flamenco that I play on it!
Best Regards
Monika - Germany
Good morning,
I received my guitar on Monday and I am just delighted wth it. Thank you (and Raimundo and Tatanya Ryzhkova) for an instrument that looks and sounds just beautiful. I now have a guitar that is better at being an instrument than I am currently at playing it; I will have to work hard to be able to play it at the level it deserves.
One question: What strings were used? They seem to match the guitar well and I would like to buy the same ones when they need replacing.
Again, thank you all very much.
Walter - Canada
Bonjour, je tenais à vous remercier pour votre réactivité et votre gentillesse. L étui est arrivé le jour de l anniversaire de ma fille et son cadeau lui a beaucoup plu. Encore merci
Melanie - France
Buenas tardes. Solo dos palabras para decir que me llego la guitarra perfecta, es fabulosa me gusta mucho gracias por todo sois muy profesionales les recomendare.
Bego - Spain
Dear Manuel, just to let you know that my Raimundo guitar arrived about 30 mins ago.
Hey! I just want to thank you for my guitar. I am very happy with it.
Dominic - Norway
Lieber Manuel,
das lange warten hat sich gelohnt.
Die Gitarre ist im einwandreien Zusatnd, wie angekündigt am 09.04.2021, bei mir angekommen.
Die Giaterre ist wunderschön gefertigt.
Der Klang ist großartig.
Die Spielbarkeit, das Grifbrett und die Saitenlage, ist von besonderer Qualität.
Vielen Dank für für eine vertrauensvolle und gute Zusammenarbeit.
Guitar From Spain kann ich absolut weiter empfehlen.
Herzliche Grüße
Uwe - Germany
Hello, Manuel! Thank you for this beautiful guitar! All right. I am very happy! :-)
Andrey - Russia
Bonsoir Manuel,
Je vous informe que j’ai reçu avec plaisir la commande mon tres. Le colis est arrivé en bon état et surtout je suis vraiment content du tres : il sonne très bien ! Je vous remercie donc sincèrement pour votre aide et vos réponses à toutes mes questions. J’ai pu d’ailleurs enregistrer avec le tres dès le week-end dernier.
J’en profite pour vous poser une dernière question : pourriez-vous m’indiquer la marque des cordes qu’il y a sur le tres ainsi que leur diamètre précis.
Je vous souhaite une très bonne continuation et au plaisir d’être en contact de nouveau !
Didier - France
Gracias pour le chevalet Manuel....reçu ce matin.
I have received the guitar, it is very beautiful, the quality is perfect, the tone is very beautiful, it is really a very pleasant shopping experience. In addition, I would like to know the model of strings, I like them very much, could you please tell me the model of strings? I would like to buy them later, thank you very much
Dear Manuel, the guitar had arrived morning and it’s wonderful.
It is wonderful! I have a question though... may I please know which strings you mounted on the guitar at the time of shipping?
It sounds super nice and I would like to use the same from now on!
Thank you
Marzia - Switzerland
Hello Manuel:
My Raimundo 633E thin body guitar arrived by Fed Ex yesterday. The whole process of buying that guitar was great. Your catalog was easy to use, You were very helpful when I needed it especially finding the right case. Paypal works great for international sales.
And, I don’t know how you straightened Fed EX out about the “toxic guitar” problem. It must have been you that did it, I couldn’t figure how to contact them, they didn’t leave a phone number and their email was unreturnable,
Besides that, the guitar is beautiful and it sounds better than I had hoped for.
Thank you very much…………
John - USA
Muchas gracias a Todos por la profesionalidad y amabilidad! La guitarra llegò hoy en perfecto estados! Saludos
Paolo - Switzerland
je viens de recevoir ma guitare,
je suis vraiment très satisfait de mon achat, je ne me suis pas trompé,
elle à un son très équilibré et généreux c'est une grande guitare malgré sa petite taille. Très facile à jouer,
Merci et bonne continuation.
Antonia José - France
Hallo Herr Nunez,
Ich habe die Gitarre heute erhalten. Es ist ein wunderbares Instrument.
Vielen herzlichen Dank.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Werner - Germany
Hi Support,
Gracias por todo, y por este tremendo instrumento. Encantado.
Abraham - USA
Hello Manuel,
I want to thank you for the guitar. It arrived in perfect condition. The person who delivered it must have taken good care of it as the box was neat and undamaged on the outside. I opened and inspected the guitar and it appears to be in perfect condition. Great work!
Now I would like to buy another guitar, but this time I would like to order one a la carte. Can you explain how your a la carte ordering process works please.
Gary - Australia
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
der Gitarrenkoffer ist heute angekommen.
Der Koffer sieht sehr schön aus und die Gitarre passt genau in den Koffer.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Lieferung nach Deutschland / Leipzig.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frank - Germany
Greetings Manuel!
The guitar was finally delivered today. It is in perfect shape and is just what I was hoping for. Buying a guitar long distance is something of a gamble so I really am pleased with the result. Thank you for the assistance in understanding the differences between all the various guitars I considered. I am happy with my choice.
Keep smiling!
Charlie - USA
Dear Team
Dear Manuel
thank you, i received my prudencio siaz 59 on christmas eve. this is my favorite guitar i have ever owned, beautiful sound and tone. thank you for your fast service and shipment. i forgot what strings you told me was put on this guitar. would you let me know i need to order more, they are great on this guitar as i dont want to switch. again thank you very much.
Darel - USA
Bonjour Manuel,
La guitare est arrivée à bon port!
Elle est magnifique! Je ne regrette pas le choix d'une table en épicéa, la sonorité est lumineuse à coté de mon autre guitare avec table en cèdre.
Elle devient complémentaire.
Je vous remercie du choix pour l'étui TGI Extreme protect il est excellent et merci pour le cadeau du supplément!
Merci encore pour tout, je suis comblé!
Meilleurs voeux pour 2021.
Michel - France
Good day Manuel,
Hello Manuel,
What a fabulous beauty this instrument is!
Thanks for your amazing shop - it is outstanding.
God bless you and Merry Christmas!
Bonjour Manuel
je voulais vous dire que la guitare P.Saez est superbe, elle me donne énormément de satisfaction !le son est puissant, chaleureux, précis dans les aigus et ronds dans les cordes graves !
Elle a une très belle sonorité ... (mais alors une guitare de concert !! qu'est ce que ça doit être !! )
La justesse du manche est très précise .
J'en suis très satisfait ! merci beaucoup
Christophe - France
Hello and thank you very much for keeping me updated. It was very useful to be able to track and be at home for delivery.
Magnifique étui reçu aujourd hui et parfaitement adapté à l instrument. Je vous remercie beaucoup ! Passez d heureuses fêtes. Cordialement
Hi Manuel,
manuel good morning,
Hola Manuel
MI guitarra Raimundo Tatyana Ryzhkova llegó anoche en perfectas condiciones, estoy sorprendido con la rapidez de entrega y la protección del empaque. Gracias por una guitarra de excepcional calidad, belleza, sonido y fácil de tocar. No dudaré en recomendarlos a otras personas.
Luis - USA
Bonjour Manuel;;
J'ai reçu la guitare ce matin; elle était très bien emballée; la livraison a été très rapide; l'étui rigide est très beau; mais surtout.... LA GUITARE EST EXCEPTIONNELLE
Je n'ai jamais entendu sonner une guitare comme ça! et c'est dans mon salon ; pas dans une église à l' acoustique
exceptionnelle : quelle puissance dans les basses, les aigus; quelle chaleur dans les tonalités !
Je suis donc enchanté et vous remercie de vos conseils ; je reconnais avoir eu très peur de me tromper ; je suis arrivé sur votre site en tapant "guitares SAEZ" et je croyais être sur le site de c e fabricant pensant qu'il appelait tous ses modèles Alhambra..
C'est pour ça que je vous avais demandé de la faire signer par le Luthier; j'ai réalisé après que Alhambra était un autre fabricant espagnol mais plutôt semi industriel; or je rêvais, c'est vrai, d'une guitare faite par un vrai luthier espagnol
Cela dit la vidéo de démonstration était si convaincante que j'espérais bien qu'elle soit réellement exceptionnelle ; à moins que l'enregistrement n' ait été fait avec une guitare éléctrifiée..sur internet on peut toujours avoir des doutes..
Mais non! l' Alhambra 11P est vraiment une guitare incroyable par ses qualités sonores , agréable et facile à jouer , et de plus , d'un luxe inouï avec des bois magnifiques et une finition parfaite.cela en fait, non seulement une belle guitare ,mais aussi un bel objet agréable à regarder .
sa sonorité justifie sa présentation la qualifiant de guitare de concert
et son prix parait , à mon avis , tout à fait raisonnable eu égard à toutes ses qualités
En conclusion ,Il n'est pas sûr que pour le même prix, j'aurais pu trouver une guitare pareille chez un autre fabricant
Daniel - France
Muchas gracias Manuel, de momento estoy saboreando su sonido. Sin duda va a ser una magnífica compañera durante el periodo de aislamiento y espero que siempre.
Received , nice guitar and great sound
Hola Manuel,
ich hab die Lieferung erhalten – alles ist gut angekommen.
Ich hab eine Riesenfreude :)
Vielen Dank nochmal für deine gute Betreuung!
Alles Gute und saludos cordiales,
Stefan – Austria
Hi Manual Nunez,
The Camps FL-11C finally found it’s way to it’s now home.
Thank You for all the great service,
Len – USA
Dear mr NuñeZ,
Just received the guitar today..and i love it.Thank you very much for all your help.
Best regards
Said – Netherlands
Hi Manuel,
Delighted to report i have the guitar. It's beautiful.
Thanks for everything
Marcus – UK
I`ve received the guitar today. Sounds good, plays well and looks fantastic. Will recommend your shop to friends.
Thank you guys.
Konstantins – Latvia
Cher Manuel bonsoir,
Juste ces quelques lignes pour vous remercier chaleureusement d'avoir su bien gérer ce contre temps ayant permis finalement la réception tant attendue de ma guitare !
Je l'ai réceptionnée en excellent état grâce au soin apporté et la solidité de son emballage. Elle me satisfait grandement, je suis enchanté et apprécie énormément le son et son matériel de qualité.
Très bonne suite et avec mes respectueuses salutations,
Davide – Switzerland
Dear ladies and gentlemen at "guitar from spain", my name is Horvat. I would like to thank you very much for the fast delivery. I received the package undamaged. If I will need anything else in the future, I will be happy to get in touch with you, and I will be happy to recommend you to other interested parties.
Kind regards
Horvat – Germany
Thank you & my thanks to everyone involved in shipping the guitar to Finland, everything went perfectly & I am very happy with your support & the guitar itself : ) I am very grateful that you didn't invoice me for the capo or strap adapter, we will do business again in the future & meet when COV-19 has passed. Regards;
Mark – Finland
Hoy recibí mi guitarra Raimundo TR BlackLimba. Estoy muy satisfecho con la compra. La guitarra es exactamente como la publicitaron. El envío fue impecable. La compré desde los Estados Unidos. Llegó en perfecto estado y muy rápido. Suena magníficamente bien y es muy cómoda de tocar, además de bella. Muchas gracias a quienes corresponda por la seriedad, profesionalismo y respeto al cliente. Para ustedes un 10 por esta venta.
Hedder – USA
The guitar arrived it is beautiful sounds nice,thank you for your help
Laslo – Canada
Hola Manuel!
Queria contarle que ya tenemos la guitarra muchisimas gracias mi esposo esta feliz!
Para su conocimiento la guitarra llego en perfecto estado a un p.o box que tenemos en miami y luego a republica dominicana que es donde residimos.
Gracias de nuevo por su fina atencion!
Guadalupe – Dominican Republic
Hola Manuel!
Queria contarle que ya tenemos la guitarra muchisimas gracias mi esposo esta feliz!
Para su conocimiento la guitarra llego en perfecto estado a un p.o box que tenemos en miami y luego a republica dominicana que es donde residimos.
Gracias de nuevo por su fina atencion!
Guadalupe – Dominican Republic
Hi, hope you’re keeping safe, just an update, my Camps guitar has arrived safely and is absolutely beautiful thank you once again for the excellent service.
Kindest of regards,
Ian – UK
Hi Manuel,
Some feedback on my recently-arrived Alhambra 11P. It arrived just fine, great condition. Out of the box I didn’t like the setup, meaning the saddle was set a little high for my taste. So I had my local guitar repair fellow put in a somewhat lower bone saddle. I think the original setup is fine for a concert player with Segovia hands - but I’m not that guy. So I picked it up today and really played it for the first time, set up like I like it. And I LOVE it - the bass and middle strings ring clear and deep, and the high strings are beautiful. It’s everything I hoped for - thanks for the suggestion of the 11P vs the not yet available Linea Profesional that we originally discussed. I honestly can’t imagine what the difference could be vs the LP. I’m a happy customer!
John – USA
I received the guitar, and it is beautiful and sounds amazing. I'll be sure to order from you again.
Brian – USA
I live in Hong Kong, and ordered this model on Jul24, received on Aug3, quite fast! The guitar is in great condition, no damage at all to the pacakge.
Liuzhou – Hong Kong
Guitar arrived today, I m very happy with it. A beautiful guitar
Thanks for your great service
Paul - Australia
Thank you so much! It came 3 days earlier than expected and its a beautiful guitar. You guys were very professional and courteous throughout our entire communication process! I really do appreciate doing business with you all.
Montel - USA
J'ai commandé pour mon mari cette guitare Alhambra 8FC Flamenco.
Alors que la livraison était prévue pour lundi, mon mari l'a reçue aujourd'hui date de son anniversaire.
C'est vraiment sympa.
De plus elle est magnifique, livrée dans une très belle housse de qualité.
Le livreur a été très arrangeant car nous n'étions pas chez nous.
Merci pour cette prestation de grande qualité.
Bien cordialement
Roseline - France
Hallo Manuel Nunez,
Thank you a lot. What a surprise!! Today I receive my Camps guitar….amazing guitar …..amazing guitar from spain! What a service!!!
I’m so happy….the sn1s is perfect due to your quality control. No damage on transport…..fantastic and what a sound…
Thank you and have a great summer. Kind regards.
Sacha - Switzerland
Dear Manuel,
I got Guitar this morning.
I am very excited for that.
It looks good shape ,color and sound.
All I wanted.
And also very fast delivery.
Thank again,
Jong - Canada
Francois - France
I HAD WANTED A TRADITIONAL SOLID WOODS GUITAR 'MUY DUENDE' for so long but nothing here in the u.s.a. is worth the cost really unless you have thousands for a luthier built instrument. To me this Prudencio Saez G11 (especially with the rich spruce) sounds every bit as good as the classicals and negras that cost $2500 and more. Of course it is not as loud as some concert guitars but it is actually surprisingly loud with the madagascar rosewood. I could not be happier. Sorry to go on and on but I just really wanted to say thank you and that you all are the best!
Kris - USA
Bonjour Manuel,
Ce message pour vous dire que votre guitare est arrivée il y a un peu moins d’une heure.
Elle est magnifique !!!
Je l’ai jouée en acoustique et le son est très beau, j’essaierai plus tard de la brancher.
Je tenais à vous remercier, Manuel, de tout ce que vous avez fait.
Meilleures salutations,
Michel - Switzerland
Holà manuel!
J'ai bien reçu le requinto prudencio saez 200,
Un véritable bijou ...
Encore bravo pour votre professionnalisme (accompagnement, réactivité, savoir-faire, solutions...) , et le savoir-faire du luthier.
Merci !
Laura - France
My guitar just arrived. It's beautiful and souns great! Thank you <3
Anna - Poland
Hi Manuel
Thanks a lot
I received my guitar and everything was perfect.
It was a pleasure dealing with you
Best regards
Hasan - Bahrain
Hello Mr. Nunez
I have received the guitar today. I was rather happy and surprised because it arrived at 7:30 this morning, despite the small delay for departure I believe that delivery with UPS was the right choice.
Ordering a guitar on the other side of the continent without having tried it first is something!! But i think I will really like this new guitar (PS 290), it is possible that I make small adjustments but I am really impressed by the potential of the guitar.
It is possible that my uncle will also place an order on your website very soon (probably a PS 280). And maybe eventually I will order another guitar myself, most likely another model from Prudencio Saez.
Thank you very much for everything. It has been a pleasure to do business with you, your excellent customer service has given me confidence. I wish you the best and success with your business.
Best regards,
Mathieu - Canada
Ja! die Gitarre spielt sich toll und hat einen herrlichen Klang! Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Susanne - Germany
Mi paquete con todas piesas llegaron muy bien
Me ha gustado mucho el guitar strap y los links
Te agradezco mucho por tu jentileza y de aqui a poco talvez te haga otro pedido
Solo quieto saber si el Alhambra strap 9517
Vale la Pena igual como el que compré?
Ricardo - USA
saludos : recibi mi guitarra ase como media hora hermosa guitarra muy complacido con su sevicio y rapides otra ves gracias A+ su servicio caballero gracias otra ves att:
Angel - USA
Réception aujourd'hui de la guitare en parfait état, emballage compris.belle finition,travail soigné,controle fait et signé.
je vous remercie pour le temps rapide de livraison.
j'éspere passer de bon moments avec cette guitare.
merci et à bientot .bon courage à vous en cette periode difficile pour tous.salutations et merci.
Eric - France
Just received the Alhambra Luthier India Montcabrer in perfect order! What a beautifull instrument. The sound is out of this world. The instrument responds to to every nuance of playing. I think I will get addicted to this guitar.
Thanks for your excellent service!
Le colis UPS est bien arrivé !
Je suis très content de cette guitare Camps ( belle guitare pour un prix très raisonnable )
Je reviendrai vers vous à la prochaine occasion.
Question : que me conseillez-vous comme cordes pour cette guitare ? ( je suis bassiste/ contrebassiste et guitariste )
Encore merci
Muchas gracias por todo! (trato, consejo, paciencia...)
Queda esa cerveza pendiente
Christian - Switzerland
Hi Manuel
Bonjour Manuel,
J’ai bien reçu la guitare Admira A10EF, colis impeccable.
Elle correspond tout à fait à ce que j’attendais tant au niveau du toucher que du son que ce soit en électro ou en classique.
Bonne journée.
Bien à vous
Gaston - France
Thank you for delivery of a Prudencio Saez Flamenco Negra 24 guitar.
I am very happy with it.
May I ask you please ... what are the strings provided on the guitar
Thanks you
Vince - New Zealand
Just letting you know I received my guitar on the 31st of December and I absolutely love it! It plays so beautifully with great projection, tone and sustain and looks stunning. It is was a hard decision to buy such a personal thing without seeing it or playing it in person, but I could not be happier thank you!
PS – What are the strings that are on the guitar? (I really like them)
All the best for 2020!
Thanks again,
Richard - New Zealand
Buenas tardes Manuel,
I love my new guitar and I can’t thank you enough!
I have not been able to put the guitar down since I got it – beautiful!
Your description on your website was completely accurate. The action was set in flamenco fashion, wonderful ergonomics, feeling low and even but surprisingly with a lot of clarity and not too much buzz. I didn’t feel at all that I was fighting the action or trying to compensate. It was just right! Also, the tone was round, full and warm, but could be pushed to the bright side when I wanted. It was so easy to control different tone qualities throughout all the entire fretboard with clarity. The quality of construction and materials is excellent. Also, one thing you said in your description of the instrument about the separation between the voices is especially true. No matter how soft or loud, every voice per each string was completely distinct and blended warmly with the total sound. This guitar is an unbelievable value for the money. I had heard several recordings done with the Camps Primera A Flamenco and fell in love with the sound. Having the guitar in my hands finally, all I had hoped for is true. This is truly a wonderful instrument.
I had an excellent experience buying from Guitar From Spain and I will definitely look there to buy other instruments.
Thank you so much!!!
Joseph - USA
Hi Manuel, i’m Marco from italy, the camps fl11c Negra is arrived and it’s wonderful! Thanks of all ! Now i think to buy a camps classical case...good days ! ( i’m a professional player, a ethnic violinist, my website is www.mcnando.it )
Marco - Italy
I have been playing this instrument for 500 hours and I must say it is still developing a better sound. I am very impressed with the construction of this guitar. I have used it amplified and into a Roland GR-55 synthesizer. Fantastic amplified. Harmonics, sustain are improving the longer I play it.
Ken - Canada
Hi Manuel,
Just to confirm that a lovely Raimundo 148 arrived in Dublin last week.
All the aspects I asked for were correct and I thank you for this.
The guitar is very lovely.
Gracias y hasta la proxmia.
Kind regards,
Ronan - Ireland
Bien reçu aujourd'hui ma Prudencio Saez G36 dans son étui. Merci beaucoup ! L'instrument était très bien emballé. La guitare n'a subi aucun dommage. Super!
Je viens de recevoir ma guitare Raimundo bossa nova 2 et j'en suis ravi
Elle est arrivée en parfait état dans un carton intact.
Elle est magnifique , les finitions sont superbes et elle semble très agréable à jouer.
Merci pour votre travail
continuez à faire de belles guitares espagnoles
Marc - France
Just received the Raimundo 148 safely.
What a beautiful instrument, i can't wait to spend some time with it.
Thanks for the excellent service which you provide.
best regards
Geoff - UK
He podido confirmar, a través de nuestras comunicaciones via correo electrónico, su alto sentido de responsabilidad hacia el
cliente, en unión a su vasto conocimiento
Thanks again for answering my questions, which aided greatly in my decision to purchase this guitar.
I just want to say that I'm very satisfied with my new Prudencio Saez 909. They arrived within two days and they look great and tune like butter on my Esteve Model no.1. Muchas gracias!!
Greetings from Holland
Rob - Holland
Vielen Dank! Ich wünsche Dir ein rundum positives 2019!
Grüsse aus der Schweiz.
Nestor - San Juan, Puerto Rico
I just came back home and the Camps was waiting for me.
I love it, It’s sound a little bit « young » but it promise a lot for the futur . That’s the guitar I was looking for to bring with me everywhere .
Thank you
AnToineS - Belgium
Two years ago I decided to start playing Bass Guitar at age 57, struggling through YouTube lessons
I now love guitar, I still fool around with my basses but my primary instrument is now guitar.
When I started to look for Flamenco Guitars here in Los Angeles I found my options were limited.
We found your site and I knew I found the right place to buy my guitar from.
I did research for almost two months and you guys have the best place for the price and what you deliver
Thank you so much again for having this website available because even though everyone make guitars these days
Please keep your site alive as it is the best place I found.
Pete - USA
Cada día que pasa descubro una virtud nueva en esta guitarra. Espero disfrutarla y que la disfruten mucho tiempo.
Saludos a todo el equipo de Guitarfromspain
This is to inform you that I've been delivered my guitar today. I've received it in perfect condition. I'm overwhelmed by the tone, projection, sustained and balance between the treble and bass of this luthier aniversario model. I'd like to thank you for your valuable advice, dedication and the excellent quality service. You deserve the trust that your customers place in you. I wish you and all staff of Guitar from Spain all the best and keep on providing guitar lovers as me with such service. I won't hesitate to recommend your shop to my friends. By the way, don't forget to let me know once you receive the Ramirez bone nut 50 mm that I talked to you about; I've some other accessories to order from you. Thank you again. I wish you well.
Best regards
Joy - Mauritius
I have received the guitar and it is in perfect condition.
It is a very nice looking and sounding guitar for a very reasonable price. An added bonus is that I was able to have the Fishman pre-amp fitted.
I shall definitely recommend your online store to others.
Thong - UK
Trust all well with you and yours?
I received the C1 this Monday and am very pleased with it. It looks fantastic and sounds fantastic so much volume particularly on the bass strings for such a small guitar. The scale length well, just perfect and I am now able to move from playing the Raimundo 1495 to the Rodriguez C1 effortlessly enabling me to enjoy the different sound both guitars make.
I would be most grateful if you could pass on my sincere thanks to M. Rodriguez for making the guitar and I would also like to thank you for all your effort on my behalf, as I have stated before it is a pleasure doing business with Guitar from Spain.
I remain
Yours most sincerely
Raymond - UK
Dear Manuel,
I am just letting you know, that my new Ramirez SPR has arrived safe and sound today.
This instrument is like extra made for me. The guitar is wonderful and the sound is
fully corresponding with that. So, my life long dream to have an istrument from Ramirez manufacture
became reality. Many thanks for your excellent services. And I will recommend your shop
Your sincerelly
Vaclav - Czech Republic
Hola Manuel!! He recibido la guitarra que compre. Estoy muy contento con el producto , una belleza.
Agradezco tu atencion y toda la informacion que me brindaste para despejar todas mis dudas!!!! Abrazo grande!!!!!
Pablo - Argentina
Hope you are well?
Received the Raimundo 1495 guitar and case yesterday and I thought I would drop you a line to thank you for the way your company has conducted the business transition, I am very impressed.
The guitar is everything I was lead to expect from your superb web site, the quality of the guitars finish and sound for its size is amazing. The base note have a long sustain superbly contrasted by the treble strings. Its action is superbly smooth, and the tuning mechanism wonderfully easy all in all one very satisfied customer.
If you have the chance please pass on my sincere thanks to those at Raimundo for producing such a lovely instrument.
I would also be most grateful if you could inform me of the make of strings they use on this instrument.
Yours most sincerely
Ray - UK
Just writing to say I received the order 2 days ago.
A well packaged guitar, very beautiful - and most importantly - a very satisfied customer :)
Thank you.
Marcus - Sweden
Thank you for delivering my order which arrived very quickly and in perfect condition having been quality controlled checked prior to despatch.The experience of shopping with Guitar From Spain has been an extremely positive experience and I would not hesitate to recommend to others.
Tina - UK
Many thanks for the guitar which arrived today. Well packed, good guitar case and a lovely guitar. I really like the mature tone and quality of sound from the SPR.
Geoff - UK
Dear Manuel
J'ai reçu ma guitare, tout est très bien, je suis très content! Je vous remercie pour le sérieux de votre service et de votre suivi!
Au plaisir! Je parlerais de votre site à mes amis
Susan - USA
Hi Manuel,
Just want to express my appreciation of your excellent services on this purchase.
My guitar arrived last Friday in perfect condition after placing my order a week earlier. It’s a beautiful guitar and sounds great.
Stephen - Australia